Kenichi Noguchi
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Yasuko Akutsu
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Yuuri Ueda
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Hiroaki Kato
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Ryosuke Kimura
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Masashi Kiyomine
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Hajime Shirasaka
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Yoichi Shirono
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Akihiko Soyama
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Kiyotaka Tajima
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Yumiko Nishimura
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Ayuko Nemoto
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Satoshi Fukushima
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Hitoshi Fujiwara
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Reika Matsuda
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Masashi Matsunaga
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Minoru Moriya
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Kouhei Yamamoto
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Miyako Yoshizawa
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Kenichi Noguchi
Tohoku University Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization, Professor
- PhD
- I'm working in Tohoku University Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization (ToMMo) for the academia-industry collaboration. ToMMo has two big cohorts with total 150,000 particpants, whose informaiton and bio samples are available for the researches of private compamies including venture companies. The information include longitudinal health condition linked to whole gemome sequence data.
I have experienced various stages of drug research in pharmaceutical companies, from drug discovery research (target finding and validation → compound screening and validation), clinical development (licencing canditate evaluation and development plan construction), post-marketing drug development research (clinical research, epidemiological research, real-world evidence).
Through the works, I have been involved many collaborative researches with the many types of collaborators, including academia, private companies, domestic and foreign companies. Message
- There are many cohorts and biobanks in Japan. Their sample and data are increasing and are becoming available from private companies. I believe that wise utilization of them is effective means to enrich the evidence of human data which is the key to increase the value of the unique technology of venture companies. I will also actively respond to inquiries from companies that do not have knowledge or experience in using cohort biobanks.

Yasuko Akutsu
Aging 2.0 Tokyo chapter Ambossoder
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- After Graduated frommaster's course of Graduate school of s of environment Studies in Tsukuba university. After Graduate School I joined GK industrial Design Institute, engaged in design research of product and urban development master plan.
I started MT Healthcare Design Research Inc.in 2012, MT Healthcare Design Research inc, is company specialized in a health care design, product design , system design, ux design, business design. 2017 I became the Aging2.0Tokyo Chapter Ambassador and Message
- Japan finds itself in the position of a developed coutry facing serious challenge as supper-aging society. Countries around the world are focusing on how Japan is stnding face to face with supper-aging society. For start-ups I would like them to think that the solution of Japan's challenges can adopt to solution of all over the world. One of the goals of Aging Japan is to contribute to the development of the next generation of human resources that will lead to the solution of global issues while collaborating with overseas.

Yuuri Ueda
HIMSS & Health 2.0 Country Director, Japan
- Medical Doctor
- Yuuri Ueda is a MD in plastic surgery and homecare medicine who runs an elderly homecare clinic, YU Ageo homecare clinic which covers around 100 elderly patients with dementia and chronic diseases. As well as continuing her practice, she also serves as HIMSS & Health 2.0 Country Director, Japan to organize a global cutting-edge healthtech conference, HIMSS & Health 2.0 Japan to establish a healthy ecosystem in healthtech industry. She sees big gap between the real practice and what technology enables, and to conquer the gap, her life work is to support healthcare business development.
- Japanese healthcare market is searching innovative solutions to prepare for Silver Tsunami. InnoHub shall support your company to enter Japanese market, let's revolutionize Healthcare together!

Hiroaki Kato
Digital Hollywood University Graduate School Digital Health Laboratory, Visiting Professor
- Doctor
- He specializes in digital health such as telemedicine and medical AI, and corporate finance. As an ophthalmologist, he has performed more than 1500 operations, developed cataract surgery instruments and ophthalmologic telemedicine services. He was dispatched to the Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare to engage in lawmaking and policy planning. He co-founded Aillis, an AI medical device development venture. He is also a visiting associate professor at Chiba University, a clinical associate professor at Tokyo Medical and Dental University, and a part-time lecturer at Tohoku University and Yokohama City University. He also serves as a Medical Innovation Support Office (MEDISO) advisor, a J-Startup nomination committee member, a director of the Japan Medical Venture Association, and an outside director of a listed company. His representative book is "Medicine 4.0" (Nikkei BP).
- I specialize in digital health.
I receive over 100 business development consultations every year from seed / early startups and large companies. Also, recently I am often consulted on startup funding. I manage the healthcare business community and study sessions. I can also provide links between medical startups and networks with large companies.

Ryosuke Kimura
Founder & General Partner, Lifetime Ventures
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- Ryosuke Kimura is Genral Partner and Founder of Lifetime Ventures. Previously, he was at Incubate Fund as Associate for 4 years and supported 40 portfolio companies including ispace, Gatebox, Misoca, bellFace, iCare and so on. Before joining Incubate Fund, he was Consultant of PwC Advisory and KPMG Healthcare Japan and engaged in strategic consulting and financial advisory for public infrastructure and healthcare indusyries.
- I'd like to do my best for the future of digital health in Japan through connecting between startup/enterepreneur and enterprize, between healthcare and technology industries, and between digital native young people and established senior people.

Masashi Kiyomine
Kicker Ventures, LLC CEO
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- Masashi is the founder & CEO of Kicker Ventures, LLC and has been active early stage venture investor in the healthcare space since 2004. Previously, Masashi was Global Life Sciences team leader and Investment Director at Mitsui Global Investment where he began his career investing in medical device start ups, and later broadened his focus to include digital health and healthcare services.
- My expertise is in providing empathetic but honest advice to early stage ditial health and medical device start-up companies based on my own venture investment experience in the global arena. Happy to talk to anyoe who see advice, guidance or just bounce ideas!

Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP Registered with Yokohama Industrial Development Corporation - Overseas Support Desk MEDISO part-time supporter Board member, Japan- America Society of Georgia Board member , Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Georgia
- US Attorney
- Kiyo routinely assists enterprises and ventures of all sizes in the pharmaceutical, medical devices, and chemical products industries where intellectual properties, licensure, permits and other potentially complicated issues play particularly important roles. Born in the foothills of Mt. Fuji, he was raised in the suburbs of Atlanta where he grew-up a “band geek” and went onto attend the Eastman School of Music, completing his Bachelor of Music degree. While there, he also received his double B.A. in Political Science and Economics at the University of Rochester. Thereafter, he attended the Indiana University’s School of Law, where he obtained his Juris Doctorate (JD), and also the School of Music where he received his “Performer’s Certificate.” He has been in practice since 2003.
- Kiyo routinely assists enterprises and ventures of all sizes in the pharmaceutical, medical devices, and chemical products industries where intellectual properties, licensure, permits and other potentially complicated issues play particularly important roles.


Hajime Shirasaka
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- Graduated from School of Science and Engineering of Self Defense Academy in 2001; completed Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences of Yokohama National University in 2003; worked for Fujifilm Corporation for 8 years for researches of image processing through machine learning; then, held positions as presidents of affiliated companies of a big data analysis enterprise listed US NASDAQ; founded GoldIP Inc. (currently AI Samurai Inc.) in 2015; patent attorney; committee member of National examination ""Intellectual Property Management Skills Test“; currently attending Doctoral Program of Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Following my experience at the Intellectual Property Department at Fujifilm, I was the director of the patent office, supporting many startup applications and IP strategy support. Also, from 2015 to today, as a start-up, I have experienced system development and financing. From expert knowledge and start-up experience, there are many things that can be useful such as objective advice on intellectual property, practical advice, and sharing experiences on grants and funding.

Yoichi Shirono
Infocom Corporation, Digital Health Connect, Innovation Accelerator
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- Conducted business planning and development of information communication and technology business in Japan, US, and Asia for about 12 years in Nissho Iwai (now Sojitz), one of the giant trading company. Co-founded venture capital "Entrepia" in the United States in 1999 and assumed the position of Vice President, and in 2002 became Representative Director of "Entrepia Japan". Appointed as CEO and Presidentof "Business Search Technology" in 2006, and developed as one of the top companies for search system providers. Began considering new business creation programs in healthcare IT in September 2014, and and launched the healthcare innovation program “Digital Health Connect”. Incumbent from February 2016 and concurrently from Infocom America Inc. President & CEO since March 2016.
- I can share with you my experience of launching new businesses at large enterprise, Venture Capital, and Startups. Recently, we are active in investing in Startups in Asia to launch new businesses in digital health business field, so I hope to introduce our network through the recent activities.

Akihiko Soyama
President & CEO, LINK-J
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- Aki has been President and CEO of LINK-J since its foundation in 2016. Earlier in his career, he served as Deputy Director at METI (GOJ), project manager at Boston Consulting Group in Tokyo, Vice President/General Manager at Johnson and Johnson Japan, President at Biotronik Japan and President at Haemonetics Japan. Aki holds an MBA from Columbia University and a BS (Physics) from University of Tokyo. Aki also serves as a lecturer at University of Tokyo and a life science related committee member of MHLW (GOJ), a local government, etc..
- To be prepared

Kiyotaka Tajima
Kiyotaka Tajima Certified Public Accountant Office/StaSupport Accounting Lab
- Certified public accountant. After graduating from the School of Commerce at Waseda University, I joined EY Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC in 2000.
I have been engaged in providing support for startups in resolving issues and IPOs, and have also been in charge of healthcare startup support at EY Corporate Growth Support Center since 2012.
In October 2022, I established Kiyotaka Tajima Certified Public Accountant Office/StaSupport Accounting Lab.
I support the growth and progress of startups mainly in the areas of healthtech, AI, and SaaS from the perspectives of accounting, finance, and governance. I am also active as a consultant for IPO preparation and an outside director. Message
- Since 2012, I have been involved in startup support activities in the digital health domain.
My particular areas of expertise include network support through collaboration with investors, media, and professionals, consultation services for business plans and capital policies of startup companies, business model studies, and SWOT issue studies.
As a strategy advisor and coach for startup executives, my vision is to support the growth and success of future superhealthcare startups that will follow in the footsteps of M3. Best regards.

Yumiko Nishimura
August Networks, Inc. President
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- Currently working as a business producer. The previous job is the Associate Director of "comparative Healthcare Policy Research Project" at APARC at Stanford University (1991-2004). after researching/teaching at Japanese universities, relocated to USA in 1990. Located in Silicon valley.
- Busienss Producer specialized for international Business development.

Ayuko Nemoto
Sonderhoff & Einsel Law and Patent Office
- Attorney at Law (qualified in Japan and the State of New York)
- My practice focuses on legal and compliance matters related to healthcare and life science companies. I have been advising on healthcare related laws and regulations, working on legal due diligence for investment, M&A, contract negotiation, and all the other general corporate matters (including domestic and international corporate matters, intellectual properties, labour laws, M&A, JV, IPO support, contract review, personal data, pharmaceutical and advertisement regulations, commercial dispute, accident, communication with relevant authority). Also act as an Advisor of the International Affairs Working Group and MA & Clinical Trial Working Group of Japan Pharmaceutical Industry Legal Affairs Association, Supporter of Medical Innovation Support Office of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MEDISO) and a member of IRB of the Council for Industrial use of Biological and Environmental Repositories (CIBER). Previously at Clifford Chance Law Office and K&L Gates Gaikokuho Joint Enterprise.
- I'm excited to be a part of InnoHub and look forward to assisting you (healthcare companies) with legal and compliance matters in order to promote your business. Healthcare related products and services are heavily regulated and you need to break through any legal or compliance barriers to succeed in your innovative business. Please do not hesitate to involve adviosors (including me) before any material legal or compliance issues come up.

Satoshi Fukushima
Globis Capital Partners, Director
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- Joined GLOBIS Capital Partners in April 2014. Investing into health-care related start-ups such as Medley, KAKEHASHI, justInCase, Yoriso, etc. Prior to GLOBIS, worked for Deutsche Securities Inc. and handled TMT related M&A advisory and financing transactions.
BA in Economics from the University of Tokyo. Message
- Having a wide network and investment/hands-on experience in health-care (digital-health, aging population, insurance) related start-ups. Expertise in Finance, VC/CVC operation, Open Innovation, Management.

Hitoshi Fujiwara
Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC, Growing Enterprise, Senior Partner
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- In addition to conducting accounting audits of listed companies, I also provide support to startups and with IPOs. I have numerous experiences with helping mainly family-run companies to make IPOs, engages in networking with other sectors, and organizes and runs seminars as part of my focus on identifying and assisting startups. The primary recipients of my startup/IPO support are firms in the fields of healthcare, food, clothing, and shelter, and agriculture.
Major committee memberships: Japan Medical Venture Association (Director); Japan Health Care Vision Contest 2017-2019, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Judge); Survey and Research Project Concerning the Promotion of the Adoption of Public-Insurance-Ineligible Services for the Establishment of Regional Comprehensive Care Systems 2018 & 2019, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Project Member)
Main writings: "Treasury Stock Capital Strategies", "Q&A on Operations and Accounting in the Food Service Industry" (both in Japanese) Message
- My strengths are offering advice to healthcare startups on the establishment of capital policies, management structures, etc. and providing IPO support, which involves identifying issues and suggesting improvements ahead of IPOs.

Reika Matsuda
JIC Venture Growth Investments/Partner
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- I focus investment on medical/healthcare and AI/big data/SaaS fields. I have experienced carve-out investment, fund investment, and the creation of value by incorporating design thinking.
I joined VGI in 2020 after working INCJ as a venture capitalist.
Before that I worked for planning marketing strategy and launching overseas business at Walt Disney Japan after working for a consultant at Accenture.
I received master's degree in science from Osaka university.
Registered dietitian. Message
- JIC Venture Growth Investments("JIC-VGI") not only invests in healthcare start-up companies, but also promotes cooperation among startups, major companies and administrative agencies which leverages each strength. In order to build a long-lived, healthy society, we aim to create a healthcare ecosystem from Japan in collaboration with start-ups and major companies developing innovative business.

Masashi Matsunaga
Senior Consultant of Oxentia Ltd. CEO of Biospire Japan Ltd.
- Ph.D. ATTP (Alliance of Technology Transfer Professionals) lecuturer
- Masashi has over 20 years of global business development, product marketing and commercial operations management experiences with conducting innovative and early-stage technology life science businesses. He is based in Oxford UK, however actively involved in the Japanese innovation ecosystems such as in MEDISO, InnoHub and LINK-J.
- Japanese innovative startups are now considered as core international investment targets. I am happy to share my link and know-how to bring your businesses to the global standard.

Minoru Moriya
Moriya Minoru Office Co., Ltd.
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- He joined MISUMI Co.,Ltd. (now MISUMI Group Inc.) in 1992 and engaged in business development.
In 2002, he established M-OUT INC. with Mr. Taguchi who is the founder of MISUMI Co.,LTD.. In the company, he supported development of businesses and sell-offs.
He established Moriya Minoru Office in 2010, where he engaged in many projects as an expert of businesses development. Then, he participated in the launch of RAKSL INC. and Carepro, Inc., where he served as a vice presdent.
In his career, he has served as a board director in companies as follows: HAKUHODO Inc., SoundFun Inc., Boutiques, Inc., SEEDATA, AuB, Inc., Innovations and Future Creation Inc., Mimir, Inc., Truss Inc., Japan Cloud Capital,inc., TechFeed Inc., CADDi Inc., JAXA, CELM Inc., Future Venture Capital Co.,Ltd., Nihon Agri, Inc., and JR East Start UP Co., Ltd.
He also has the experience as a member of panel of experts for the cabinet office and an advisor for Shandong province of China.
In 2018, he successfully lead Boutiques, Inc. and RAKSUL INC. to be listed.
He published his book in May, 2019. Message
- I have experiences on business development in my career, especially in the field of medical care and healthcare. I expect to support your business with my experiences. I look forward to meeting with you!

Kouhei Yamamoto
Department of Comprehensive Pathology, Open Innovation Promotor, Tokyo Medical and Dentala University
- M.D., Ph.D., Pathologist
- Dr. Yamamoto graduated from Tokyo Medical and Dental University School of Medicine and completed the doctoral course in the field of comprehensive pathology at the same university. He has engaged in medical activity, education, and research work at Tokyo Medical and Dental University. Since 2017, He has been energetically participating in industry-academia collaborative research activities, and has many achievements such five industry-academia collaborative researches as a research director at the same time for one company group. Since 2019, He has been appointed as an open innovation promoter faculty member at Tokyo Medical and Dental University, and is engaged in industry-academia collaboration activities involving different fields beyond the field of pathology. From October 2019 to July 2021, He was partially seconded to the Healthcare Industry Division of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as a temporary special advisor to the Minister's Secretariat, and was mainly in charge of involving the academia to InnoHub. He supported the promotion of joint research between venture companies and academia and the acquisition of AMED.
- Establishing academic evidence is essential in the healthcare field. We would like to cooperate so that we can increase the value of the product by smoothly linking it to joint research with academia and eventually lead to the valuation of the company. Please feel free to contact!

Miyako Yoshizawa
Coral Capital, EIR (Entrepreneur in Residence)
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- Miyako is a EIR (Entrepreneur in Residence) at Coral Capital. She sources seed stage startups across a wide range of industries, with a particular focus on healthcare. She joined 500 Startup Japan in it’s early days and has invested CAPS, KURASERU, Sumutas and BluAge. Prior venture capital, Miyako founded HealthTech News, a media outlet covering how pioneering technologies are impacting the healthcare industry. The site was acquired by M Stage in 2016. She graduated from Keio University, where she studied nursing and medical policy.
- I support healthcare startups across a wide range areas including the Japanese healthcare system, clinical practice, and overall business strategy. My focus is on seed (from idea stage to product-market fit), while advising on the long term fundraising strategy.