One-Stop Consultation Service

We provide a support for a wide range of issues related to the businesses in the field of healthcare and life sciences, such as funding, securing human resources, business promotion and expansion, and overseas development etc. We provide our services not only for startups but also for small and medium enterprises and large companies as well as individuals who are developping a business but before establishment.
InnoHub offers the following assistance depending on your situation.
Click on an example for more information.
Expand your business in Japan
We can match up with potential partners and experts, introduce circumstance for feasibility study, introduce Japanese law and regulation to expand your business in Japan
Fund raising
We can match up with VC supporting Innohub
We can match up with advisor and support organization
Grobal expansion
We can introduce support projects by METI, JETRO etc
Would like to brush up on my fundraising plan and business plan.
While we cannot guarantee that we will be able to raise funds directly or meet with you, we can match you up with an advisor and provide a venue for you to meet with the advisor and the consultant.
Would like to get meet potential partners to expand our business in Japan

nnoHub sends out a weekly email newsletter to all InnoHub advisors and supporters.
In the newsletter, you can recruit supporters who are interested in your inquire.

For example, you can send out a message such as "We would like to collaborate with companies that are considering doing business in areas that have an affinity with our services, or companies that are interested in research and development.

In addition, we can also try to contact individual companies if you would like to approach them individually as a potential partner.

Would like to get networking opportunities

You can find organizations interested in your consultation in the weekly e-mails for advisor and supporter organizations.

Would like to know public offering, subsidy, or grants

We can provide Information of public offering, subsidy, or grants in Japan. We can also provide information of Business support measures by public organizations in Japan.

Would like to get some hints and tips on how to proceed with my business.

If you would like to consult with someone who has experience in starting a business or raising funds, we can connect you with an InnoHub advisor. If you want to talk to someone who has experience in starting a business or raising funds, we can connect you to an InnoHub advisor...but we can also act as a sounding board.
The InnoHub team is made up of members who have experience in healthcare-related projects at companies and government agencies.

What we want to know before consultation

Tell us these points

  • Detail of your business
  • Inquiry for consultation
    (want to meet potential partners, get advice from experts, meet investors, know Japanese regulations and laws, obtain general information about medical/healthcare circumstance in Japan, etc)

Constraction Flow

  1. If you wish to apply for consultation by InnoHub, please inform the InnoHub team via e-mail.

    If you wish to apply for consultation by InnoHub, please inform the InnoHub team via e-mail.

    send e-mail
  2. Discuss the details of the consultation online or by phone

    One or two people from the InnoHub office will be assigned as "Consultation Staff" to discuss the details of your consultation online or by phone.

  3. offers a variety of support services

    InnoHub offers a variety of support services
    check " What we do"

Consultation example

We are developing a service for hospitals. We are meeting with several VCs and other organizations to raise funds, but we feel that we do not have a clear understanding of the perspective from which VCs view our business and decide to invest. I would like to deepen my understanding in order to expand my business .
Our support
InnoHub set up an interview with an advisor belonging to a VC to find out from what perspective investors make decisions on whether to invest and how much to invest. They received feedback on our business from this perspective.
We developed an application for prevention of serious diseases of chronic illness. It can be linked to wearable devices to obtain precise data.
We would like to confirm the possibility of collaboration for future business expansion, especially in the insurance field. In addition to the insurance field, we would like to hold discussions with local governments and other interested organizations to discuss expand our business furthermore
Our support
InnoHub contacted particular life insurance companies to discuss the possibility, and at the same time, publicize their inquiry to all support organizations. Discussions were held with life insurance companies and organizations that responded to their request, and with one or two of these companies, they were able to move forward with discussions for specific cooperation.
We are searching for public subsidies that can be used for prototype development for future medical device development. We would like to know if there is a wide range of subsidies that we can use at our stage.
Our support
InnoHub provided them with the information on public applications that we have.
After consultation...
Basically, after we introduce you to an advisor/supporter organization, the advisor/supporter organization will communicate with you.
The method of communication, concluding NDA , and whether a fee will be charged or not are to be coordinated in the process.
InnoHub accepts multiple consultations from you, so please contact us if you have another inquiry. 
Consultation is here
Send email
Click here for consultation
Supporter group Click here for recruitment