【特集】Healthcare Innovation Hub 開設記念フォーラム(掲載日:2019年8月1日)

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※メーラーが立ち上がらない場合は、メールにて TOKInnoHub@bcg.com まで送信ください。
2019年10月16日・17日に、日本橋の室町三井ホール&カンファレンスにて、経済産業省とInnoHubが主催する2nd Well Aging Society Summitを開催しました。
Well Aging Society Summit(通称WASS(ワス))はその名のとおり、超高齢社会の先進国として日本が世界をリードすべく、世界各国からヘルスケア分野に関連するゲストを東京に迎え、情報共有や未来に向けた討議を行う場として昨年度から始まりました。今年度は昨年度に続く二回目の開催で、開催期間を二日間に拡大し、盛りだくさんの内容で行いました。
・AARP Stephany氏の””Agism””の話はとても面白かった。認知症の不安をあおるタイプばかりではない内容をもっと増やすようにしていただくといいのではと。
・Would hava enjoyed more time to network thoughout the day. Please have water fountain available. Excellent Summit- Thank you.ビジネスピッチでは9カ国/地域から16社のベンチャー企業を迎え、Quality Digital HealthとAgingの二分野にてプレゼンテーションを行いました。産官学からの審査員との質疑応答や、サポート団体の皆様による、サポートしたいベンチャー企業に対する札上げも行い、大きな盛り上がりを見せました。結果は、Quality Digital Health部門がEchoCare Technology(イスラエル)、Aging部門がBest Brain(イスラエル)と、偶然にもいずれもイスラエル企業が最優秀賞を受賞しました。また、サポート団体からの特別賞としては、セールスフォース・ドットコム賞にHealth2Sync(台湾)、Aging Asia Alliance賞に最優秀賞と同じくBest Brainが選ばれました。
Title:We held 2nd Well Aging Society Summit successfully!
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and InnoHub held “2nd Well Aging Society Summit” in Muromachi Mitsui Hall & Conference on October 16 and 17.
As its name suggests, METI started the Well Aging Society Summit (Commonly known as WASS) last year as a forum to invite healthcare-related guests from all over the world to Tokyo to share information and discuss the future in order for Japan to lead the world as an advanced country of the super-aging society. This year’s event was the second time, and the duration was expanded to two days.
Various presentations and panel discussions were held with guests representing various fields from overseas. In addition, we held business pitch. Despite the timing of just after Typhoon No. 19, more than 640 people from 22 countries/regions participated in the two-day sessions.
According to the results of the participant questionnaire, the overall satisfaction rate of the summit was 3.61 (The highest score is 4 points), which was well received by many people.
Let’s take a look at the participants’ voices from the questionnaire.
In business pitch, 16 startups from 9 countries/regions participated and presented in the two fields of “Quality Digital Health” and “Aging”. They also had active discussions with judges from industry, government, and academia, as well as with support organizations who offered their support to startups. The results were as follows; EchoCare Technology (Israel) got the gold prize in the Quality Digital Health category and Best Brain (Israel) got it in the Aging category. Special awards from support organizations awarded to Health2Sync (Taiwan) for the salesforce.com award, and Best Brain for the Aging Asia Alliance award.
We will publish a detailed report by next month. Please look forward to it too!