【特集】Healthcare Innovation Hub 開設記念フォーラム(掲載日:2019年8月1日)

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The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) will hold “Well Aging Society Summit Asia-Japan” as a part of “International Forum on the Super Aging Challenge” in Japan, a country facing advancement of an aging society at the world’s fastest speed. (“Nikkei Super Active Ageing Society Conference” will be held at the same time by Nikkei Inc.) This is an international event bringing together experts with outstanding knowledge at home and abroad to hold discussions on future directions of aging societies, and especially, how to ensure they are full of vitality. By holding the two-day event that leads the international community in collaboration with the public and private sectors, METI aims to accelerate innovation that will lead to the extension of healthy life expectancy for people around the world.
Day1: Nov.15 (Mon) The 3rd Nikkei Super Active Ageing Society Conference 9:00~17:25
Day2: Nov.16 (Tue) The 4th Well Aging Society Summit Asia-Japan 9:00~15:00
Iino Hall
Iino Hall, 4F Iino Building, 2-1-1 Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo
Nikkei Inc.
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry(METI)
Report and video of WASS are uploaded! Please refer to the links below.
【Japanese】 Report Video
【English】 Report Video
(Reference) Video of SAAS is also uploaded. Please refer to the links below.
Japanese video English video
Please refer to the websites below if you can need much information.
Japanese website English website