3rd Well Aging Society Summit Asia-Japan

  • The 2nd WASS was held on October 16-17, 2019. The report can be viewed here (PDFformat,1.7MB) 
  • The 3rd WASS was held on October 12-13, 2020. Materials for the event can be found at 6. Materials for the event.
  • The report on the 3rd WASS has been uploaded, and can be found at 5.

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

3rd Well Aging Society Summit Asia-Japan

Oct. 12 – 13, 2020
Nihonbashi Takashimaya Mitsui Building, Nihonbashi Hall

1. Background and purpose

  • Japan leads the world as a super aging society, in which one is elderly in three people. As aging have become one of the biggest issues in many other countries as well, the trends in Japan have attracted global interest.
  • Industry-academia-government have proceeded collaborations as the increase in lifestyle diseases and dementia have become more serious in Japan. It is important for us to be a model of the aging society and to contribute to other countries, by sharing and disseminating our experiences to the world and developing them more with wisdoms from all over the world.
  • With this background, we, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry have held “Well Aging Society Summit Asia-Japan” since 2018 under the cooperation with experts from Japan and the world. We aim to proceed information sharing internationally about healthcare and aging with this summit.
  • More and more efforts such as healthy diet, participation to the society, and prevention have been done to realize “well aging” which enables us to age healthy physically and mentally. Under this situation, these days, the importance of “well aging” has been recognized again, because it has been reported that people with underlying illness such as lifestyle disease tend to get more serious with infectious disease like COVID-19.
  • In 3rd Well Aging Society Summit, we will discuss about challenges, trends and solutions, which are changing or becoming apparent, in with/after COVID-19 situation all over the world. Through this event, we aim to accelerate innovations which contribute to extending health life expectancy throughout the world.

2. Event Outline

OverviewOctober 12, 2020 (Mon) 9:00 〜 19:00  Online (※1) and participation at the venue(※2)
October 13, 2020 (Tue) p.m.      Online only
(※1) Cisco Webex will be used as a webinar tool to provide this event.
(※2) Venue:
Nihonbashi Takashimaya Mitsui Building, Nihonbashi Hall 9th floor Hall 1&2
SponsorMinistry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Co-Sponsors・Cabinet Secretariat, Office of Healthcare Policy
・Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
・Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)
OperatorThe Japan Research Institute, Limited

3. Program

Please check the details here .

The program has been changed as below. (Oct 9, 2020)
(Before) October 12, 2020 (Monday) 11:35~11:45 Keynote speech “Equity and Longevity”
(After) October 12, 2020 (Monday) 11:40~11:45 Keynote speech “Equity and Longevity”
* Break time before the session has been extended to 15 minutes.
* Time is shown in Japan Standard Time.

4. Application

Application for 3rd WASS (Participants)
We have closed the application.

5. Event Report NEW

Click here for the event report.

6. Presentation Materials

The presentation materials which the speakers agreed to post are uploaded here. (Latest Update: 2020-11-13)

Day 1 (Oct. 12)

“Expectations for Moonshot Research and Development in the Health and Medical Fields”

CEO, Bio Cheetah (Singapore), Kian Chung Lee  Presentation Material

Co-founder & CEO, AIKOMI (Japan), Nick Hird  Presentation Material

VP, Day two (Israel), Aaron Del Duca  Presentation Material

CEO, MELTIN MMI (Japan), Masahiro Kasuya  Presentation Material

“Introduction of Moonshot Research and Development Projects in the Health and Medical Fields”

President & CEO, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Hiroaki Kitano  Presentation Material

President, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, Toshio Hirano  Presentation Material

“Equity and Longevity”

Director, AARP, Erwin J. Tan

“Toward Well-Aging Society During/After COVID-19”

Founder & Managing Director, Ageing Asia, Janice Chia  Presentation Material

CEO, Global Coalition on Aging, Michael W. Hodin  Presentation Material

Professor, Department of Sports Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Shinya Kuno  Presentation Material

“Prospects for Public-Private Partnerships to Create Innovation for Dementia-Inclusive Societies”

Director Innovation in Digital Health University Medical Center Groningen, Bart Scheerder  Presentation Material

Corporate Officer Chief Digital Officer Head of Consumer Experience Transformation HQs Deputy President, Eisai Japan, Keisuke Naito  Presentation Material

CEO, co-founder, Onerva Care, Ville Niemijärvi  Presentation Material

“Digital Healthcare Innovation Under COVID-19 : Possibilities for Using Personal Health Records in New Ways”

Project Lead, World Economic Forum Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Japan, Takanori Fujita  Presentation Material

Professor, Health Policy and Management at the School of Medicine, Keio University, Hiroaki Miyata  Presentation Material

Chief Advisor, World Economic Forum, Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, India, Satyanarayana Jeedigunta  Presentation Material

Chief Clinical Officer, HIMSS, Charles Alessi  Presentation Material

“The Digital Transformation in Health Under COVID-19”

Head of Health Division, OECD, Francesca Colombo  Presentation Material

Day 2 (Oct. 13)

“Digital Healthcare Innovation Under COVID-19 : Possibilities for Using Personal Health Records in New Ways”

Professor, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Jin Narumoto  Presentation Material

Head of Health and Healthcare Industry, World Economic Forum, Susanne Andreae  Presentation Material

Senior Vice President, Longevity Leaders, Angela Tyrrell  Presentation Material

Head, Johnson & Johnson Innovation, Asia Pacific, Dan Wang  Presentation Material

Professor, Department of Geriatric Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, INDIA, A. B. Dey  Presentation Material

7. Video of Keynote Speeches NEW

“Contribution to Healthcare Innovation”

President, US National Academy of Medicine, Victor J. Dzau

President, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, Yoshinao Mishima

“New Efforts for Aging-related Diseases”

Vice Minister for Long-Term Care, Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, Kingdom of The Netherlands, Ernst van Koesveld

“The Digital Transformation in Health Under COVID-19: Policies for the Development of Data Infrastructure, Sharing and Use”

Head of Health Division, OECD, Francesca Colombo

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